Dr Amy Denton, MA MRes VetMB MRCVS
Advanced Research Assistant
Amy primarily performs routine automated HMW DNA extraction and RNA extraction on the KingFisher Apex on a variety of samples that are submitted to the lab, however she also performs cryogenic sample preparation, manual HMW DNA extraction, HMW DNA shearing and DNA pooling.
As the Chordate Representative for the team, she is responsible for tracking the progress of chordate samples through both the ToL Core Lab and the SciOps ToL Lab, performing R&D on any samples that do not proceed through the routine protocols. This is a role that she particularly enjoys, resulting from her background involving working with animals, with a degree in Veterinary Medicine with Zoology in her third year from the University of Cambridge.
She is currently undertaking R&D relating to DNA extraction optimisation and process automation, specifically involving overnight lysis and using the Opentrons OT-2.
Amy is also the Ergonomic Champion for the ToL Core Lab.