Dr Cordelia Langford, FRSB
Director of Scientific Operations
I believe in driving a committed team with a culture that embraces innovation and collaboration. In this role I provide oversight and direction to a team of 300 people, which involves balancing a longer term strategic viewpoint with ensuring day to day operational delivery. I also contribute to the strategic leadership of our organisation as a member of the Board of Management.
My timeline
Director of Scientific Operations
Head of Scientific Customer Relations
Head of DNA Pipeline Operations
Head of Genome Analysis Pipelines at the Sanger Institute
Head of Microarray Facility at the Sanger Institute
Microarray Facility Manager at the Sanger Institute
Graduate Research Assistant in Molecular Cytogenetics at the Sanger Institute
Research Technician in Human Molecular Cytogenetics at the Cambridge University Department of Pathology
Scientific Officer in Cytogenetics at the BBSRC Babraham Institute
Assistant Scientific Officer in Immunology at the BBSRC Babraham Institute
Research Assistant in Clinical Oncology at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology