Prof Muzlifah Haniffa, FMedSci
Interim Head of Cellular Genetics and Senior Group Leader
I am a dermatologist by trade, was born into immunology, married into developmental biology and became best friends with single-cell ‘Omics’.
In addition to my roles listed above I am the Biological Network Co-Coordinator for the Human Cell Atlas and the Deputy lead PI for the Immunology and Inflammation theme at Newcastle University.
I am passionate about training and mentoring the next generation of clinicians and research scientists. I firmly believe that research is a collaborative endeavour that thrives when conducted by a people drawn from a wide range of disciplines and lived experiences. For this reason I am a strong advocate for diversity and public engagement.
I completed my medical degree in Cardiff and undertook further medical training in Cambridge and Newcastle. After completing a PhD at Newcastle University, I worked as a post-doctoral fellow in Singapore.
I am a proud Mum and I’m always trying out new recipes in the kitchen for family dinners. My children say I have 100 different ways of cooking cabbage! For relaxation I enjoy watching films, reading and running.