PPMS Batch Booking
This is a very simple script takes the bookings or cancellations as inputted into a csv file and books them onto the PPMS calendar.
These are scripts to automate the use of PPMS using Python.
They can be found on GitHub at: https://github.com/SangerCytometry/PPMSBatchScripts
You need to install the requests package.
use: pip install 'requests'
Batch Booking
It takes the bookings as inputted into the .csv file and books them in PPMS. An example .csv is in the GiHub repo.
Batch Delete
The oposite of the booking script. This one uses session IDs as inputtted via the .txt file.
User Permissions
This will add or change user permissions en masse. It requires a list of user logins as a .txt file.
Sanger Institute Contributors
Previous contributors

Christopher Hall
Senior Research Assistant