Time course changes in gene expression in naive and memory CD4 T cells after activation
Do you want to know how your favourite gene(s) expression changes in activated CD4 T cells? Check it in our dataset!
We isolated memory and naive CD4 T cells from 119 individuals, activated them and analysed their gene expression by scRNAseq. We examined these two types of CD4 T cells before (0h) and at several time points (16h, 40h, 5days) after activation.
Visualise and download expression values, averaged by cell type, experimental time point and activation trajectory bin.
You can also visualise and download gene expression on single cell level.
Full description of the experiment in our paper:
Immune disease risk variants regulate gene expression dynamics during CD4+ T cell activation Read paper
Study authors:
Blagoje Soskic1,2*, Eddie Cano-Gamez1,2*,
Deborah J. Smyth1,2*, Kirsty Ambridge1, Ziying Ke1, Lara Bossini-Castillo1, Joanna Kaplanis 1,2, Lucia Ramirez-Navarro1,Julie Matte 1, Anna Lorenc1, Nikolina Nakic3, Jorge Esparza-Gordillo3, Wendy Rowan3, David Wille3, David F. Tough3, Paola G. Bronson4, Gosia Trynka1,2
1. Wellcome Sanger Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK
2. Open Targets, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK
3. GSK, R&D, Stevenage, UK
4. R&D Translational Biology, Biogen, Cambridge, MA, USA
* These authors contributed equally to this work
Sanger Institute Contributors

Ziying Ke
PhD Student

Dr Blagoje Soskic
Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr Gosia Trynka
Group Leader at the Sanger Institute and Experimental Science Director at Open Targets
Previous contributors

Dr Lara Bossini-Castillo
Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr Eddie Cano Gamez
PhD student

Joanna Kaplanis
Post doctoral fellow

Dr Anna (Ania) Lorenc
Principal Bioinformatician