Clinical microbiology translation
The Pathogen genomics group is collaborating with a number of external groups to explore and enable whole genome sequencing in clinical microbiology.
About the Partnership
Bacterial whole genome sequencing provides the ultimate level of resolution for transmission tracking, and can be used to predict drug resistance. Rapid sequencing therefore has considerable potential for use in clinical mirobiology for outbreak detection and resistance analysis. We are working with groups in Cambridge and Oxford to enable this.
If you need help or have any queries, please contact us using the details below.
External partners and funders
Sharon Peacock
We have a number of UKCRC and HICF funded collaborations with Sharon Peacock's group at Cambridge University and Addenbrooke's Hospital
Modernising Medical Microbiology
We were part of the UKCRC-funded Modernising Meical MIcrobiology consortium led by Derrick Crook in OxfordÂ