Sequencing Informatics
Scientific Computing
The group was composed of three teams (which following a move from DNA Pipelines to IDS, were separated into Pipeline Solutions and Scientific Solutions in 2023):
NPG ensures that the harvesting, storage, and analysis of DNA Pipelines produced sequence information at the Sanger Institute is as swift and efficient as possible: the team develops and runs software to support the high-throughput data production activities of the DNA Pipelines Operations teams. The team also provides informatics expertise and bespoke analysis to both DNA Pipelines and faculty.
The SAM has two distinct roles. It helps ensure Sanger fulfills its data publication obligations by pushing research-related data to archives at the EBI. The team also provides foundational bioinformatics tools and helps drive and maintain standards in the bioinformatics community.
The HPA team develops bespoke tools and analysis methods to aid both faculty and DNA Pipelines with the data from the latest types of sequencing assays.
Core team

Carol Scott
Principal Bioinformatician

Dr Jaime M. Tovar Corona
Senior Software Developer
Previous core team members

Dr Tony Cox
Head of DNA Pipelines Development

Jennifer Liddle
Senior Software Developer

Rich Livett
Technical Delivery Lead (Platform and software development)