Wellcome Sanger Institute

Cancer Dependency Map Analytics

Cancer, Ageing and Somatic Mutation

We design algorithms and computational tools for the analysis of large-scale cancer pharmacogenomics and functional genomics datasets (from chemical and genome-editing screens) to the aim of identifiying new oncology therapeutic targets and markers of gene-essentiality/drug-response.

In partnership with Open Targets, we provide computational support and analytic solutions to the international Cancer Dependency Map consortium, and to other projects engaged in the analysis of data from large-scale chemo/genetic screens.

Core team

Photo of Dr Hanna Najgebauer

Dr Hanna Najgebauer

Postdoctoral Fellow

Photo of Dr Clare Pacini

Dr Clare Pacini

Principal Bioinformatician

Previous core team members

Photo of Dr Ichcha Manipur

Dr Ichcha Manipur

Visiting Scientist

Photo of Valeria Mirici Cappa

Valeria Mirici Cappa

Visiting Scientist

Photo of Alessandro Vinceti

Alessandro Vinceti

Visiting Scientist


We work with the following groups


Open Targets

Open Targets is a pioneering public-private partnership between Biogen, Celgene, EMBL-EBI, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Takeda, and the Wellcome Sanger Institute and is located on the Wellcome Genome Campus. Open Targets brings together expertise from six complementary institutions to systematically identify and prioritise targets from which safe and effective medicines can be developed, to help others find good targets, and to get those targets adopted into drug discovery pipelines.Current focuses are oncology, immunology and neurodegeneration through an R&D framework that can be applied to all aspects of human disease.