Dr James Christopher Wright
Principal Bioinformatician
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
My work is focussed on proteomic bioinformatics, developing new tools, pipelines and methods for quantitative proteomics data analysis, proteogenomic studies, and post translational modification discovery. This has included the continued development of MascotPercolator as a tool for improving spectral identification scoring in proteomics experiments, software to align, quantify and normalise HDMSe dataset for proteomic profiling of tissues, and tools to detect and validate unexpected modifications in proteomics datasets. I am also heavily involved in the development of workflows for proteogenomic data analysis for genome annotation.
My timeline
Left Sanger and moved to ICR London
Joined Proteomic Mass Spectrometry Team at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
PhD Cross Species Proteomics - University of Liverpool and University of Manchester
MSc Physical Methods for Bioanalysis and Post Genomic Science - University of Manchester
EST Informatics - AstraZeneca
BSc Biological and Computational Science - UMIST
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