Britta Velten
Visiting Scientist
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
I am mathematician by training and obtained a PhD in statistics from ETH Zurich and EMBL Heidelberg working with Peter Bühlmann and Wolfgang Huber. Since 2019, I am postdoc at the German Cancer Research Center. As a visiting researcher I worked with Susan Holmes at Stanford University and with Dagmar Iber at D-BSSE and am currently affiliated to the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Cambridge.
In my research, I aim to apply statistical reasoning in combination with modern machine learning approaches to gain insights into fundamental processes that underly complex biological systems. For this I develop statistical methods and computational tools to analyse and integrate ’omics data and apply them in a variety of fields including personalized medicine, cancer biology, single cell biology and developmental biology. The tools and methods I develop are available from Bioconductor, PyPI and GitHub.
You can find me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Scholar and GitHub.