Berriman Group
Parasite Genomics
Archive Page
This page is maintained as a historical record and is no longer being updated.
The Berriman research group moved to the University of Glasgow in 2023. This page is being maintained as a historical record of the group’s work while at the Sanger Institute and is no longer being updated.
We start with the production and analysis of high quality reference genomes. The malaria parasite P. falciparum is the gold standard for this – we have curated its genome for more than a decade – but the approach is being extended to other more neglected parasites including schistosomes and whipworms.
We then use comparisons between genomes, performed over different evolutionary scales, to address questions about parasite biology. We use draft genomes across diverse clades to survey the broad differences between parasites and finer grained comparisons between more closely related species to study the evolution of genes associated with specific clades of parasites or parasite traits.
For two exemplar helminth species – Schistosoma mansoni and Trichuris muris, representing flatworms and nematodes, we use full infection lifecycles established at the Institute to facilitate phenotyping and in-depth functional genomics studies, from which genes or proteins can be selected for detailed investigation.
Core team

Dr Avril Coghlan
Senior Bioinformatician

Dr James Cotton
Senior Staff Scientist

Dr Stephen Doyle
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Team Leader

Nancy Holroyd
Samples and Partner Relationship Manager
Previous core team members

Helen Beasley
Computer Biologist - Senior Genome Analyst

Dr Hayley M. Bennett
Postdoctoral Fellow

Karen Brooks
Computer Biologist - Senior Genome Analyst

Dr Ulrike Böhme
Plasmodium Curator

Dr Caroline Durrant
Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr Susanne U Franssen
Postdoctoral Fellow

Bhavana Harsha
Senior Bioinformatician

Dr Jane Lomax
Senior Bioinformatician

Dr Thomas D Otto
Senior Staff Scientist

Christian Kwasi Owusu
Former PhD Student at the Sanger Institute

Dr Adam James Reid
Senior Staff Scientist

Dr Gabriel Rinaldi
Senior Staff Scientist

Gavin G. Rutledge
PhD Student

Dr Sascha Steinbiss
Senior Software Developer

Alan Tracey
Senior Computer Biologist