Victoria Vladimirovna Lebedeva-Baxter
Marketing Manager, Campus Innovation
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
Vika left GRL on 18 June 2021 after 4 years working with the Sanger Technology Translation Team, looking after the Campus brand and its social media accounts, and supporting the work of the Entrepreneurship team.
Vika started working at GRL in April 2017, during this time she led all marketing and communications activities for Sanger’s Technology Translation Office, the BioData Innovation Centre, the Campus Entrepreneurships Team and managed the Campus brand. Some of Victoria’s highlight projects and achievements include the first ever Campus Hackathon (2018), the Wellcome Genome Campus Startup School (2021), the Campus Brand Shop, a Campus brand update and designing most of the COVID signage for the Campus more recently in 2020 to help the site stay operational through this difficult year. Before that, Vika worked at the University of Cambridge as a FAST Healthcare NetworksPlus Manager (an EPSRC-funded project), and was also Centre Manager for EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Large-Area Electronics. She also runs a marketing services business.