Mihir Kekre
Operations Lead - Next-Gen Sequencing & Global Capacity Building
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
The NIHR Global Health Research Unit (GHRU) for Genomic Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (http://ghru.pathogensurveillance.net) is working with partners in four countries to develop a suite a tools that provide an efficient pathway to building genomics capacity, specially focussing on AMR.
The success of this international initiative revolves around four crucial pillars:
- Growing a global AMR network in low and middle-income countries (LMIC).
- Building genomic surveillance capacity in these LMIC laboratories through cost-effective, high throughput, high-quality sequencing workflows
- Generating actionable data
- Enabling regional and national programmes to leverage the power of this data, thereby improving public health decisions.
Wellcome Sanger Institute
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