Dr Amy Katherine Cain
Postdoctoral Fellow
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
PhD at the University of Sydney; Supervior: Prof Ruth Hall; Co-Supervisor: Prof Tom Ferenci
Mobile Genetic Elements Driving the Evolution of IncHI plasmids Conferring Resistance to Antibiotics and Heavy Metals from Salmonella enterica; 2007-2011
BSc (Molecular Biology and Genetics; Advanced) Graduated with Class I Honours at the University of Sydney, Major in Biochemistry; 2003 to 2005
Honours Supervisor: Prof Ruth Hall; Thesis Title: Frequency and Mechanisms for Loss of Mobilizable Genetic Elements Conferring Antibiotic Resistance in Gram Negative Bacteria; 2006
Research Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Under the supervision of Prof. Julian Parkhill; June 2012 – current.
Project – Using Transposon Directed Insertion-site Sequencing (TraDIS), to search nosocomial pathogen genomes for antibiotic resistance (AMR) modifiers. I developed methods to construct large random mutant libraries and in collaboration with team programmers, a bioinformatic analysis pipeline for large sets of Illumina sequencing data. I also utilise SNP and RNAseq analysis of AMR.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Macquarie University, Sydney, Under the supervision of Professor Ian Paulsen; 2011- 2012 – Using next generation 454 sequencing of marine environments, to reveal communities structures of Synechococcus species. Reverse transcriptomics to examine gene expression in environmental strains of Pseudomonas in stress conditions.
Laboratory Technician, Cancer Council NSW, Blood Biobank, Centre of Immunology, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney; 2010- 2011 – Processing, achieving and stock taking large amounts of blood samples for a number of nationwide epidemiological cancer surveys.
Work Experience in a Public Health Laboratory; Under the supervision of Prof. John Wain and Dr. Satheesh Nair 2009 – A short 3-month research project undertaken at the Health Protection Agency (now Public Health England), in Collindale, London, UK, examining historical plasmids.