Dr Silvia Argimon
Genomic Epidemiologist
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
Currently, I focus on the development of tools for global surveillance of selected Salmonella enterica serovars, which are a global public health concern. My research interests also include the relationships and exchange of genetic material between and within Streptococcus species belonging to the viridans group. I also enjoy collaborating with other researchers at the Sanger Institute to produce intuitive visualizations that enhance the benefit of high-throughput genomic data applied to pathogen evolution and epidemiology.
My research background is in opportunistic pathogens of humans, both bacterial and fungal.
My timeline
Joined the Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance
Research Scientist at New York University College of Dentistry, USA
Post-doctoral Research Associate at Columbia University, Microbiology Department, USA
PhD in Molecular Biology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Licentiate degree in Biology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina