Within Sanger
I enjoy my role and enjoy building relationships with the researchers. My aim is to ensure Cellular Genetics research can go ahead without delay or interruption. There are always unknowns, but to pre-empt these reduces the risk of delaying the science.
I am working on improving some processes that I hope will assist both myself and my colleagues moving forwards. These include guidance on fellowships and external data systems which I hope will benefit other Research Managers beyond the walls of the Cellular Genetics team.
Beyond Sanger
There is nothing better than being outdoors. Most weekends I am on the hockey pitch during the winter and cricket pitch during the summer with midweek training throughout the year. When not playing hockey or cricket, I enjoy tennis, running, cycling and croquet.
I utilise my annual leave to full effect as I love to travel and have visited every continent multiple times, exploring little known countries and visiting major landmarks. I cannot recommend Slovenia enough…
Despite not having much time between work, sport and travel, I enjoy cooking and baking, taking influence from places I have visited and producing dishes using unusual spices and ingredients.
My timeline
Joined the Cellular Genetics Team at the Sanger Institute
Left the laboratory to pursue a Research Management career
Biochemistry and Microbiology based roles in industry and research
Graduated with a MRes in Microbiology from Univeristy of Nottingham
Graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Microbiology from University of Nottingham