My role within the BIOSCAN Team is to lead the pipelines for the collection, shipping, DNA sequencing and storage of UK flying insects. The BIOSCAN project aims to better understand species interactions within complex ecosystems.
I am delighted to have the oportunity to bring my enthusiasm for partner engagement into my current role as BIOSCAN Samples and Partner Relationship Lead at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. Scientifically, genetics and a passion for the natural world is what sparked my career path and the BIOSCAN project looks at the genetic diversity of flying insects in the UK.
My timeline
BIOSCAN Samples and Partner Relationship Lead, Wellcome Sanger Institute
Cheif Laboratory Technician, Sainsbuy Laboratory Cambridge University
Buisness Owner, Jemma Salmon Gardens
Postdoctoral Researcher, Rothamsted Research
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California Davis
PhD in Plant Genetics, University of York
Wellcome Sanger Institute