Matthew Mayho, PhD
Staff Scientist
I am currently working with the Sample Management team helping to improve their DNA quantification processes. This work is very collaborative and involves working closely with the team as well as automation specialists. We need to look at basic scientific principles such as the linearity of the fluorescent assay, and also the finer details of how well lab equipment is working and also changes to the LIMS system. Other recent projects I’ve been involved with have included developing a stranded mRNA-seq process for our Illumina Bespoke team and evaluating new and innovative pieces of laboratory automation equipment.
Since 2011 I have managed the sequencing side of the TraDIS project (transposon-directed insertion-site sequencing). TraDIS samples have proved challenging both in terms of library making and sequencing. Solving these issues has meant working closely with the pathogen researchers who generate the samples, as well as the sequencing technology specialists here at the Sanger Institute and Illumina.
My timeline
Becomes a development specialist with a focus on developing and troubleshooting protocols directly used by the operational teams
Joined the Sequencing R&D team as a Staff Scientist
Joined the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute as an Advanced Research Assistant
PhD University of Manchester ‘The cytochrome oxidase complex (COX) as a model for developmental gene expression in African trypanosomes’
BSc Biological Sciences, University of Salford