I joined Translational Cancer Genomics in March 2022 to work in the Human Genetic Interaction project. In my previous post, I studied the sensitivity of glioblastoma cells to natural and synthetic compounds and their combinations at IOTA Pharmaceuticals, a Cambridge-based biotech company.
My timeline
Advanced Research Assistant, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK
Principal Scientist, IOTA Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Cambridge, UK
Biological Science Exchange Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, UK
Senior Research Scientist, IOTA Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Cambridge, UK
Academic career break
Research Assistant Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, UK
Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
PhD in Virology (Candidate of Medical Sciences) Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Teaching Fellow (Lecturer), Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
PhD student, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Virologist, Central Immunology and Virology Laboratory, Odessa, Ukraine
M.Sc. in Biology with Excellence, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine